27 May 2011

SxK grow out 5/27/11 individual videos

Better quality individual videos of each of the SxKs.

SxK #1

SxK #2

SxK #3

SxK #4

SxK #5

SxK #6


SxK #8

SxK #9

21 May 2011

SxK grow out 5/20/11 David's fish

This is David's group, siblings to my SxKs.

20 May 2011

SxK grow out 5/20/11

Man these fish are awesome!!! 5/20/11

06 May 2011

Lionchu Grow out

Lionchu 5-6-11. A little slow growing but I have been holding back on feeding as they have had some buoyancy issues. These are intended as seeds so I don't mind the slow growth. I really like the colors and head growth that some are starting to get. There are a few with good side view tails and a few that are good lionheads. I plan to take and split this group and select in those two different directions.