27 June 2011

Lionchu grow out - 6-25-11

A few of the lionchu. The vidoes are a little funky as I'm playing around with lighting.

13 June 2011

Pond fish -Hatch

On Sunday, one week post fertilization, almost all of the embryos have hatched. The fry cling to the sides of the tank and to the spawning mops. I plan to start feeding with newly hathced brine shrimp in a few days.

08 June 2011

Pond Fish - Spawning Mop

Spawning mop. These were used for spawning of Spotted Gar in Louisiana. I think that they are pom poms.

I used twine and a rock to anchor the mops. The mops are tied a different depths. The fish spawned like crazy in these mops. The only bad part is I don't know who the parents are. Next spring I will isolate pairs with the same setup.
This is my hatching tank and fry raising tank. The mops are covered with embryos. I started with a low flow but learned that a lot of crud and debris accumulates on the mops and embryos so I turned up the flow and periodically shake out the mop.

07 June 2011

Pond Fish

Mass spawning in the pond over the past few days. It has been in the 80s and the pond has probably warmed inducing the spawn. I added spawning mops and collected embryos although I'm not sure who the parents are.