10 April 2013

SxK spawn

First SxK's first spawn!! They hatched 4/9-4/10. 30 - 40 embryos. Not a huge clutch but a start.

05 April 2013

Spawning set up in the green house. Two 100 gallon rubber maid troughs with sponge filters driven by the air pump located on the bench in front of the troughs. The green grassy stuff are spawning mops. Update on egg fish spawning: I have seen many eggs on the mops but no sign of fertilization. I think that I may have all female fish.

01 April 2013

Spring Spawn

I put spawning mops into the pond and tubs in the greenhouse on Friday as a noticed some chasing happening in the pond. On Saturday, pond fish have spawned and Calico Egg Phoenix have spawned. I can't ID any males in the Calico Phoenix fish so hopefully they eggs are fertile.