27 July 2014

lionchu lunch

Lionchu munching down on sakari purple. It's amazing how they go for this when the water warms up. 

26 July 2014

SxK rejects from David L.


Reject S x K ranchu from Goldfish Garage. Not very many nice tails in here but I'm going to use these for an experimental cross to see if I can get good spawn from these fish. My guess is that when I re-shuffle the genomes of these fish by crossing I will "hit the jackpot" with some of the offspring.

20 July 2014

SxK spawn

A small batch of SxK hatched today.

17 July 2014

July 17th, 2014 - Adult lionchu in the greenhouse. The amount of wen has grown tremendously since putting these fish in the greenhouse. I think that the green water may have triggered this growth. These fish are ~ 3.5 years old. 

11 July 2014

Lionchu Spawn


Lionchu spawn. I moved the adult lionchu into the greenhouse on the first of June. The first spawn produced about 150 fish. A subsequent spawn produced 25 fish. There are a lot of dorsal fins showing up in this cross. I wonder if this is due to these fish being hybrids and there not being complete redundancy in the mutation(s) that knocked out the dorsal fin.