08 February 2011

Sick fish update:

Prior to receiving costia was found during a skin scrape. These fish were treated with PP and costia was not found after treatment.

Approximately 1 week after receiving fish I noticed that a few were laying on the bottom and not eating. Ammonia levels were ~ 25 ppm. One fish was breathing heavily and a red spot appeared on the right side if it's belly. I did an additional PP treatment.

During this whole process I did daily 80% water changes. There were no signs of ammonia, nitrites or nitrates.

An autopsy was done on the dead fish and no costia was found. An unknown very small critter was seen but could not identify.

More fish became sick and showed heavy breathing. I posted videos to GFK and there was much concern that it was costia. I treated with formalin for 24 hours with no change. I then treated with teracycline as there was concern that it was bacterial and still no change. 7 more fish died.

The 5 remaining fish were starting to show signs of sickness so I took them out of the system (below) and placed them in a tank that was supplied with water from a mature system. I isolated this tank from the rest of the system and did daily 90% water changes for 4 weeks.

The fish are still alive and the water has been turned on. The are no longer in quarantine.

I have changed their feed to:

3x/day small amounts of purple hikari
1X/day frozen blood worms
1x/week peas or edamame
1x/week spirulina wafers

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