04 April 2011

Fish room remodel

I'm starting a fish room remodel. These are the before images. I'm removing the east wall tanks of the room to put in a Costco racking system, http://goldfishgarage.blogspot.com/2009/01/new-racking.html that will hold 4 - 125 gallon tanks, 2 top view troughs, http://goldfishgarage.blogspot.com/2011/03/second-plywood-tub.html and various other size tanks. It will be a recirculating system with a sump and over flow to street drain. I will have the ability to dump large volumes of water very quickly.
View of the east wall. All tanks and racking will be removed and replaced with metal racking system and larger tanks.
Left of east wall, bank of 30 gallon talls and 125 gallon.
Middle of east wall with goodeid tank.
Right of east wall. Stack of two 90 gallon tanks with cichlids
Tanks have been removed and painting has begun. I had a bucket of paint explode on me as I was shaking hence the paint all over the floor.

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